Saturday, November 3, 2018

Beautiful Fall Colors and a Newly Renovated Historic Hotel

Stunning Ginko Tree in Downtown Staunton, VA

Due to a very wet summer and warm beginning to the fall, the color change of the leaves is a bit late this year.  We had considered taking a drive to the mountains, but found there were some stunning colors in our town.  So, if you live nearby Staunton, VA you better get out there soon because high winds are predicted and the leaves won't be hanging around for long.

Gypsy Hill Park

 Near the ball fields

 Golden maple

The Duck Pond

Around Downtown

 Frederick House

 The Wharf

 Near the Farmer's Market at The Wharf

These Ginko trees are a real stunner

The Historic Blackburn Inn

One of the most beautiful properties in Staunton is the site of the old Western State Hospital and later, a medium Security Correctional Center.  The old buildings date back to 1828 and were designed by Thomas Blackburn who was an understudy of a fellow named Thomas Jefferson.  Maybe you have heard of him.  
Between the years of 2002- 2006, the buildings stood empty after both the hospital and prison moved to other locations.  The grounds are lovely and
 park-like.  It was thrilling to see a major renovation project begin back in 2006 when a firm from Richmond acquired the property and have meticulously begun renovating and restoring each of the buildings on the property.  To date, there are several buildings which have been completed and are now either condos or apartments.  This past spring, the latest addition, The Blackburn Inn, was completed and open.  It is a boutique hotel with 49 rooms and a restaurant.  
Today, we finally sneaked a peek inside.
What a wonderful job they have done!!

 Exterior of the Blackburn Inn.  The Gazebo dates back to 1877

Part of the four acres of what was known as the meadowland.  It once had gardens, orchards, tillage and pasturage.  Patients who stayed here would help with harvest and work on the farms.  It assisted with their healing.  Today, majestic weeping willows line this small stream.  They are beautiful in the summer.

 Entry Hall of hotel

 First floor hallway

 Looking down the stairwell.  The wood floors and classical moldings around the doorways are original.

On the 4th floor is this spiral staircase which leads to the building cupola.  Guest can take a guided tour.  I bet the views are amazing!

For more information, click on this link:

And finally, one of our favorite trees.  A beautiful maple that we pass on the way home.  It rarely disappoints

Wherever you are, hope you are enjoying a great fall!!

Happy Travels,