Monday, July 16, 2018

The Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park

McCormick Mill

One thing about living in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia is that we never tire of the beautiful scenery which surrounds us.  From long range views of the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains to the wide open spaces of the farmlands, we live in a pretty special place here.  We are also lucky enough to have two national treasures in our backyard: The Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park.  Both are an easy drive from where we live and we visit them often.  It's nice not to have to travel too far and have a lovely day trip filled with hiking, picnicking and decompressing from life's stresses.  Both can be visited all year round as they each take on a unique look during the changing of the seasons.  Beautiful dogwoods, rhododendrons and mountain laurel bloom in the spring.  Lush foliage and wildflowers fill in during the summer and butterflies abound.  Spectacular fall colors catch fire in the autumn months.  Winter holds a stark beauty with clearer long distance views of the Blue Ridge.  

Blue Ridge Parkway

Spanning two states, North Carolina and Virginia, the parkway is 469 miles long.  It's really a marvel because if you think about it. The construction of the parkway started during the height of The Great Depression!!  Amazing!  It travels from North Carolina and meanders north through Virginia on the spine of the Blue Ridge. It  then merges with the Skyline Drive of Shenandoah National Park.    The parkway is not only a lovely drive, but also great for outdoor activities such as hiking, wildlife viewing, birding, and photography.  
We're lucky to have it so close by.

The following pictures have been taken recently and in past years.  I hope to show the beauty of the area during the four seasons.  I'll also highlight some hikes and attractions near the parkway that are worth a detour.  

Spring and Its Beautiful Blooms



Debbie, Dad, and I 

Summertime = Busy Time

A Clear Day from Raven's Roost Overlook

Humpback Rocks a very
popular hike

Mike and I smiling on the way down from the top.😊

View from the top
Neat Old Barn

So Lush and Green in the Summer

Roadside waterfall

The highly photographed Mabry Mill

Depart the parkway at Hwy 56 for a side
trip and hike to Crabtree Falls 

Harmless water snake

Crabtree Falls

Autumn Splendor
Nothing quite like fall colors on the parkway

Otter Creek Falls

Doesn't get much prettier than this

Winter Brings a Stark Beauty

Peaks of Otter Lodge and Abbott Lake

Icy Bells

In the winter, parts of the parkway are closed due
to icy conditions.

Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive
As stated earlier, the beautiful scenery continues from the Parkway north to Skyline Drive and Shenandoah National Park.  More great hiking trails are easily accessed as well as great places to camp, shop and eat.  

Big Meadows Lodge & Dark Hollow Falls
Two of our favorite places are the Big Meadows area and a hike close by: Dark Hollow Falls

Big Meadows Lodge

Dark Hollow Falls

Big Meadows in the Fall

Butterflies love the Big Meadows area

Winter Views from Skyline Drive

Mike, Jan, Maureen & I on Stony Man Trail
photo credit: Jan Smith

Are we done already? Yup! 

I hope this has inspired you to explore places in your own back yard or a short distance away.  Play tourist in your own town.  I bet you'll find something pretty special wherever you may live.  

Come back soon as I begin a series on state parks we have visited across the country. There are some pretty fabulous ones!

Until then.....

Happy Travels!! 🚗✈🚢
